Monday, February 28, 2011

Become a Better Bowler

  Get ready to shock the status quo when you learn...

* How to develop a killer hook that murders the pocket every you explosively powerful strike after strike! (Just think how much fun you'll have when the other players fall flat on their faces trying to imitate your edge.)

* The 5 signals that tell you you're rushing the line--and a simple counting exercise that will get you back in the "Bagger Zone."

* How to add 25 to 45 pins or more to your next game by focusing on your spares. In fact, picking off those one-pinners alone will rev up your score considerably. (You can lose 12 sticks on the spot from a single missed pin!)

* A little-known loophole with today's bowling lanes that even many pro's don't know. (Norm Duke has this down -- it's the reason he made a championship round appearance on seven different oil patterns!)

* The one situation where throwing a hook will lead to disaster...and how to turn it around to put the "icing on the cake."

# The 3 different hook methods that'll have your ball gripping the back ends, and striking your target with pinpoint precision! (Too many amateurs try to spin the ball to get a good hook. But the real trick is to release your thumb first, followed by your two fingers. The result is a boomer with natural lift and spin.)

# How to turn sport lane conditions into a guaranteed strike machine, and smoke your competition. (This trick alone will exploit your opponent's blind-spot, giving you an "unfair", but perfectly legal advantage!)

# A simple way to keep your ball from "rolling out". Your jaw-dropping action will leave your opponents scrambling for pins while you rack ‘em up calm as a sleeping kitten!

# The 3 most common lane oiling patterns and what they mean for your shots (just try throwing hooks on a reverse block, and you'll appreciate having this inside information!)

# How simple biomechanics can jack-up your pin action and humiliate the guy who always beats you. (Your lopsided wins will have you smiling so hard your cheeks'll hurt!)

# Why sport lane conditions and today's equipment make it easier than ever to bowl a 300 game--and how it'll easily bump you into a "scratch bowler" averaging 200 or better...

To find out how to become a better bowler, click here.

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